Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Leftover black beans: two quick meals.

This weekend, I made black beans for the Black Bean Salad with Feta, Almonds, and Arugula, and I made sure to cook up some extra for use in subsequent meals.  On Monday night, I baked some polenta and topped it with a black bean saute, romesco sauce, and feta.  Alongside, we ate a simple arugula and carrot salad with a vinaigrette inspired by the one used in the original black bean salad recipe.  The black bean saute was simple and delicious: onion, black beans, a splash of veggie broth, garlic, cumin, oregano, and a bit of harissa.
 Tonight, we had quesadillas featuring some of the black bean saute from last night's polenta dish.  I also made a big batch of my infamous Big Salad, and we ate some tonight and are planning to eat it again tomorrow for lunch.  Honestly, I could eat this salad every day!  Maybe I should do it more often ...
Two good ideas for using up the leftovers.  I feel like we really maximized our box and groceries this week.

Oh, and I also whipped up a strawberry puree with the berries we got last Wednesday.  I pureed strawberries with a bit of sugar and a squeeze of lemon juice.  It's in the freezer, waiting for the right moment to make its debut atop vanilla ice cream.

And oh again!  I also made my own granola on Sunday.  It is DIVINE.  I will definitely be making this again.  Thank you, Orangette!  Here's the recipe from Bon Appetit.
Good thing I have been getting back into the running thing!  I'll need it after all these delicious meals.  Not a morsel was left behind. 

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